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SubjectRe: WIP Patch: Cleanup of knfsd export handling.

(with apologies for quoting in public) said:
> I suggest that the simple way to handle this is to consider the
> kernel's list to be purely a cache, and to have exportfs (or mounted)
> flush it entirely whenever the export list is changed. This then
> automatically handles removing machines from the exports, and lets you
> treat negative entries just like positive ones for space/expiry/etc.

That's my intention, eventually, but currently that would cause some requests
to get dropped - when the kernel finds no entry, but has to call up to mountd,
it just drops the request until mountd gives it a definite export entry, be
that negative or positive.

I want to find some way of keeping those requests, so we don't have to wait
for the client to resubmit them.

I was thinking of just feeding the whole thing up to mountd, and then trying
to find some way for mountd to stick it back into the request queue if it's

I don't know if that's going to be possible without a fairly evil hack to the
sunrpc layer. Perhaps it would be better to have an alternative return
response from the *_dispatch routines which tells sunrpc to 'try me again in
<N> jiffies' instead?

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David Woodhouse Office: (+44) 1223 810302
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