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SubjectUNIFIX ???
Hi Linux-Fans!

Can anybody explain me the following phenomenon in the 2.2.5 kernel?

I'm currently trying to modify the process scheduler inside the linux
kernel. Everything works fine, but when I remove the weight += p->priority;
line in the goodness function (kernel/sched.c), I got the following message
after booting:

"POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX"

I do not know where this message comes from, but I know that removing this
line works fine in previous versions of the kernel (e.g., 2.2.1).

AFAIK POSIX only standardized how to treat real-time tasks within the UNIX
OS, but this kind of modification is for common tasks. Can anybody explain
me what UNIFIX is and where this message comes from? Questions over
questions, but thanks for giving me some help.



Marc Bechler
Institute of Telematics, University of Karlsruhe (TH)
Zirkel 2, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49 721 608 6400, Fax: +49 721 388097

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