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SubjectUmax scanner's scsi card
I believe the howto on the umax scanner code for
linux says you should get a standard scsi card.

The cheap card with the unit is probably not
supported. But you never know, so it can't
hurt to ask.

I use BT950's mostly. I've got the same scanner
at home, have been using it command line mode
for nearly a year now. It has probably upgraded:
I did a simple hack to mine to add the device
name to a table it contains. If you don't do
that you have to use an extra command line
switch to force umax-cli to recognize it. I'll
bet the latest version handles this. I've not
tried because I don't want to fix what ain't
broken and I used the scanner constantly for

Haven't tried the latest version of SANE with it
yet though. There used to be some lockup problems,
but perhaps those have been sorted... it has been
near a year since I tried it.

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