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Subjectoops with kernel 2.2.11 on i386
ksymoops 0.7c on i686 2.2.11.  Options used
-V (specified)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-O (specified)
-M (specified)

Code: c5 c4 0c c3 89 f6 83 ec 1c 55 57 56 53 a1 60 0e 1e c0 89 44
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386

Code; 00000000 Before first symbol
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; 00000000 Before first symbol
0: c5 c4 ldsl <bad dis table>,%eax
Code; 00000002 Before first symbol
2: 0c c3 orb $0xc3,%al
Code; 00000004 Before first symbol
4: 89 f6 movl %esi,%esi
Code; 00000006 Before first symbol
6: 83 ec 1c subl $0x1c,%esp
Code; 00000009 Before first symbol
9: 55 pushl %ebp
Code; 0000000a Before first symbol
a: 57 pushl %edi
Code; 0000000b Before first symbol
b: 56 pushl %esi
Code; 0000000c Before first symbol
c: 53 pushl %ebx
Code; 0000000d Before first symbol
d: a1 60 0e 1e c0 movl 0xc01e0e60,%eax
Code; 00000012 Before first symbol
12: 89 44 00 00 movl %eax,0x0(%eax,%eax,1)

invalid operand: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c0149856>]
EFLAGS: 00214d17
eax: 00000009 ebx: c573cc80 ecx: c573cfa0 edx: c573cd1c
esi: c4dba867 edi: c7fc7480 ebp: c4cd1bf2 esp: c7207dec
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process (pid: 0, process nr: 35, stackpage=c7207000)
Stack: 00000020 c7207f00 c573cc80 c4dba867 c7fc7480 c80179e0 c573cc80 c7fc7480
c01d8200 30008955 0000b40e 000000ff 0000000b c02138a0 31fc4589 00000055
c7c03804 0000001f a0008055 0000b400 00000020 c7c03800 00000004 895f5e5b
Call Trace: [<c80179e0>] [<c01d8200>] [<c801719f>] [<c0108c18>] [<c0111b91>] [<c
Code: c5 c4 0c c3 89 f6 83 ec 1c 55 57 56 53 a1 60 0e 1e c0 89 44

>>EIP; c0149856 <netif_rx+9e/344> <=====
Trace; c80179e0 <END_OF_CODE+7df6120/????>
Trace; c01d8200 <scsi_device_types+e880/16560>
Trace; c801719f <END_OF_CODE+7df58df/????>
Trace; c0108c18 <dump_thread+24b8/24e8>
Trace; c0111b91 <printk+161/170>
Code; c0149856 <netif_rx+9e/344>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c0149856 <netif_rx+9e/344> <=====
0: c5 c4 ldsl <bad dis table>,%eax <=====
Code; c0149858 <netif_rx+a0/344>
2: 0c c3 orb $0xc3,%al
Code; c014985a <netif_rx+a2/344>
4: 89 f6 movl %esi,%esi
Code; c014985c <netif_rx+a4/344>
6: 83 ec 1c subl $0x1c,%esp
Code; c014985f <netif_rx+a7/344>
9: 55 pushl %ebp
Code; c0149860 <netif_rx+a8/344>
a: 57 pushl %edi
Code; c0149861 <netif_rx+a9/344>
b: 56 pushl %esi
Code; c0149862 <netif_rx+aa/344>
c: 53 pushl %ebx
Code; c0149863 <netif_rx+ab/344>
d: a1 60 0e 1e c0 movl 0xc01e0e60,%eax
Code; c0149868 <netif_rx+b0/344>
12: 89 44 00 00 movl %eax,0x0(%eax,%eax,1)

Aiee, killing interrupt handler
Kernel panic: Attempted to kill the idle task!
PCI devices found:
Bus 0, device 0, function 0:
Host bridge: Intel 440LX - 82443LX PAC Host (rev 3).
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. Master Capable. Latency=64.
Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe4000000 [0xe4000008].
Bus 0, device 1, function 0:
PCI bridge: Intel 440LX - 82443LX PAC AGP (rev 3).
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. Master Capable. Latency=64. Min Gnt=9.
Bus 0, device 4, function 0:
ISA bridge: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 ISA (rev 1).
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. Master Capable. No bursts.
Bus 0, device 4, function 1:
IDE interface: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 IDE (rev 1).
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. Master Capable. Latency=32.
I/O at 0xc800 [0xc801].
Bus 0, device 4, function 2:
USB Controller: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 USB (rev 1).
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. IRQ 10. Master Capable. Latency=32.
I/O at 0xc400 [0xc401].
Bus 0, device 4, function 3:
Bridge: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 1).
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable.
Bus 0, device 6, function 0:
SCSI storage controller: Adaptec AIC-7880U (rev 1).
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. IRQ 10. Master Capable. Latency=32. Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=8.
I/O at 0xc000 [0xc001].
Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe1800000 [0xe1800000].
Bus 0, device 9, function 0:
Ethernet controller: 3Com 3C905B 100bTX (rev 48).
Medium devsel. IRQ 10. Master Capable. Latency=32. Min Gnt=10.Max Lat=10.
I/O at 0xb800 [0xb801].
Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe1000000 [0xe1000000].
Bus 0, device 11, function 0:
Ethernet controller: 3Com 3C905B 100bTX (rev 0).
Medium devsel. IRQ 11. Master Capable. Latency=32. Min Gnt=10.Max Lat=10.
I/O at 0xb400 [0xb401].
Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe0800000 [0xe0800000].
Bus 1, device 0, function 0:
VGA compatible controller: ATI Unknown device (rev 58).
Vendor id=1002. Device id=475a.
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. Master Capable. Latency=64. Min Gnt=8.
Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe3000000 [0xe3000008].
I/O at 0xd800 [0xd801].
Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe2000000 [0xe2000000].
 \ /
  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:54    [W:0.055 / U:0.400 seconds]
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