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SubjectRe: Throttling
I've been pointed at the linux diffserv project and
am currently reading the Draft RFC on it. Looks like
it can do most of whatever I or yourself might want,
but there is a bit of recursive learning to be done
before I grok all that it says.

As was suggested to me, I tried a yahoo search on
linux diffserv and came up with the project web
site at the top of the list.

In my own application, I need to throttle by the
source ip's of sites within a very large network.
I have to guarantee each site a minimum bandwidth,
but allow them the use of more bandwidth if no other
site is using it. And of course share unused
bandwidth fairly between sites.

I think diffserv can handle this, but I need to read
a lot more.

Use Linux: A computer Dale Amon, CEO/MD
is a terrible thing Village Networking Ltd
to waste. Belfast, Northern Ireland

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