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SubjectRe: watchdog location
   Date:   Tue, 31 Aug 1999 09:35:25 +0200
From: Michael Meskes <>

For reasons unknown to me tsx-11 is not processing its incoming queue
anymore. Mail to the archive team also went unanswered. Thus I have to make
metalab the primary ftp server for my watchdog daemon.The tsx-11 version is
pretty much outdated (3.3 vs. 4.5).

Umm, oops. <blush>

TSX-11 has been in <<media res>> most of the summer, since it's been in
between a (half-finished) computer upgrade, and I (and the other archive
team members) have been consumed with other activities. In my case, it
was due to my changing jobs. I've updated the watchdog deamon, and I
will be working on processing the rest of the incoming queue this week.

In the meantime, if you don't get an answer sent to the archive e-mail
address, please try sending mail directly to me ( I'll
make sure it gets dealt with.

I should have the hardware transition finished this month, and things
should be better after that. I apologize for the disruption and the

In the meantime, of course, if you choose to change the primary location
of the watchdog deamon to another FTP server, I really can't blame you.
Again, my apologies.

- Ted

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