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SubjectRe: watchdog location
On Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 11:45:16AM -0400, Theodore Y. Ts'o wrote:
> TSX-11 has been in <<media res>> most of the summer, since it's been in
> between a (half-finished) computer upgrade, and I (and the other archive
> team members) have been consumed with other activities. In my case, it
> was due to my changing jobs. I've updated the watchdog deamon, and I
> will be working on processing the rest of the incoming queue this week.
> In the meantime, if you don't get an answer sent to the archive e-mail
> address, please try sending mail directly to me ( I'll
> make sure it gets dealt with.
> I should have the hardware transition finished this month, and things
> should be better after that. I apologize for the disruption and the
> inconvenience.
> In the meantime, of course, if you choose to change the primary location
> of the watchdog deamon to another FTP server, I really can't blame you.
> Again, my apologies.

I have no problem with this. And knowing what's going on I see no reason why
I should change the primary location of watchdog. The reason I came up with
it was that I got bug messages for the old version in the archive.

So if the new version made it in there's no need left to change the file.

Thanks for answering.


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