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SubjectRe: Threads in linux.
Vladimir Dergachev <> writes:

> Linux kernel has a system call "clone" which does for threads what "fork"
> does for processes.

? No, it clones things. That's all. It clones processes and provides
finegrained control over the resources (VM, PPID, &c) to share when this
is done.

Threads are not a distinct entity in Linux (and rightly so).

> If you think about it the library is always faster than a system call -
> because you don't have to make a context switch. In windows (IMHO) the

? System calls do not necessarily involve context switches anyway. If
every system call switched process context the system would be slow as
anything due to cache thrashing.

> In windows NT the kernel is called mach (it's a microkernel)

*boggle* It's over 800K. Not very `micro'.

Oh, and it's not Mach.

I've persistently heard this `NT has a microkernel' argument, and it
seems to me it's tosh. NT is heavily internally layered, sure, but
layering != microkernel.

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when the house was built?
- The house was built in 1576.' --- Alex Kamilewicz on the Oxford
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