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SubjectRe: Threads in linux.

>This morning I went to a work-interview. Unfortunately, in that company
>they use WinNT. But, well, they had a good opinion about linux, blah,
>blah, blah...
>But the director says me that linux doesn't implement threads, is this
>true?. He said that threads in linux are implemented by a library, not at

Linux does not have kernel-level threads, this is true. There is a
'clone()' kernel call which can be used to implement threads in user
space in a library (e.g. libpthreads with glibc2). This threading is as
good as the windows threading in my experience.

Reason for this implementation is that Linux context-switches are very
fast, so it made more sense to keep the context-switching code than
re-write it as a 2 level process model for processes and threads.

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