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SubjectRemote Control Drivers
Hello, I have an infrared remote control (that also functions as a
wireless mouse) from Logitech. The receiver connects via serial port, and
Logitech never answered any of my requests for specs or the application
SDK or whatever. I would like to develop a driver for it (at least the
mouse portion), but although I am familiar with C and C++ I have no
experience with any hardware-related programming whatsoever. However I am
willing (and wanting) to learn. Apologies if this is the wrong place, as I
don't know exactly how the mouse drivers in the kernel inter-relate with
gpm and X servers, if the code belongs in there please say so. Anyhow I
would appreciate any pointers for where I should start, what kernel code I
should try to learn from, any internet resources, etc. Thank you.

-Gary Simmons

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