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SubjectNo NFS mount of CDROM


I hope this isn't the wrong list, I've been digging through so many of them recently, it's hard to decide. I don't know if it's a NFS problem, a kernel (knfsd) problem, a file system problem or a network problem. I just need some help.

How the heck, explicitly, do I export the CDROM so other machines can mount and read the darn thing?! I've exported and can read the root level and /raid from all Unix boxes on our network, but I can't read a thing out of /mnt/cdrom from ANY of the same Unix boxes. What the heck happened?

I have searched HI and LOW and cannot find a definitive answer to this question. Please forgive me if I've searched in the wrong places, but all I can find is that the 'knfsd changed' and recommendations to 'put it in the /etc/exports file' and then try 'exportfs -avr and see if there are any errors'. I've tried and I'm stupid and I'm failing miserably.

I had been running Redhat 5.2 and was loving that I could cd from any Unix box in our network to /net/linuxbox/mnt/cdrom and have it work. If I recall correctly, any volume under the exported root volume was automatically accessible to any of the remote clients (within security limitations).

I'm running Redhat 6 now and this is certainly not the case any longer. I AM DYING HERE!!! Take a nice feature and then fix it, man. Excuse my obvious frustration, but I've spent the last 6 freaking hours reading, searching, trying, yada, yada, yada and have gotten NOWHERE. God, am I a MORON or what?! Can it really be this freaking difficult?

Please help. Please respond directly to:

Although I am not subscribed to this list, I do use it extensively and have not had a need to write until now. I usually solve my problems by reading how others have solved the same problem.

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