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SubjectRe: vm kills processes in our 2.3.12 port of reiserfs - what was the story on the changes to mark_buffer_dirty() and the too many dirtybuffers issue?

On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Hans Reiser wrote:
> I think it is more than a little unfair to let the ext2 folks rewrite VFS and
> ext2 in parallel, and then announce an impending code freeze right after
> VFS has been radically changed.

Well, the ext2 folks actually didn't have any input on that side at all.

It's just that the people who DID have input on the new VFS layer (really
just Ingo and me, although some others at least saw what happened) only
used ext2 (and in my case NFS - NFS to some degree was actually the first
"real" page cache client).

The page cache design was actually done with the notion of "let's not care
how filesystems do this now, let's just care about how we _want_ it done",
and the new code should be pretty easy to use for new filesystems. It can
be a real bitch to integrate old filesystems to, though, although there
was a lot of work to make it easier for the common cases.


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