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Subjectvm kills processes in our 2.3.12 port of reiserfs - what was the story on the changes to mark_buffer_dirty() and the too many dirty buffers issue?
We have a port of reiserfs to 2.3.12 in which dbench suffers from processes
getting killed due to not being able to get memory. There were some changes to
mark_buffer_dirty() in the 2.2 series that got dropped from the 2.3 series. The
2.2 version, as I remember your telling me, was intended to prevent this very
problem. What is the story on this? This problem doesn't happen with ext2
with the same number of clients, but I don't know how much that means. Does
ext2 do something now to avoid the issue?

Finally, let me ask the dumb question: why does vm do this, why doesn't it stall
rather than kill the process?


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