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SubjectKernel oops
I followed the instructions found in \usr\src\linux\Documentation\oops-tracing.txt
after a kernel panic, probably caused accessing a Windows share through a
samba client (latest release 2.0.5b) installed on my linux 2.2.12 machine.
The output was what you will find in the attachment.

Hoping It will be useful, regards.

Giorgio Saviane.
WARNING: This version of ksymoops is obsolete.
WARNING: The current version can be obtained from
Options used: -V (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.2.12/ (default)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-m /usr/src/linux/ (default)
-c 1 (default)

You did not tell me where to find symbol information. I will assume
that the log matches the kernel and modules that are running right now
and I'll use the default options above for symbol resolution.
If the current kernel and/or modules do not match the log, you can get
more accurate output by telling me the kernel version and where to find
map, modules, ksyms etc. ksymoops -h explains the options.

Aug 30 13:54:57 monolite kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 02000004
Aug 30 13:54:57 monolite kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 012fe000, pr3 = 012fe000
Aug 30 13:54:57 monolite kernel: *pde = 00000000
Aug 30 13:54:57 monolite kernel: Oops: 0002
Aug 30 13:54:57 monolite kernel: CPU: 0
Aug 30 13:54:58 monolite kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c010f634>]
Aug 30 13:54:58 monolite kernel: EFLAGS: 00010006
Aug 30 13:54:58 monolite kernel: eax: 02000000 ebx: 00000286 ecx: c02cff2c edx: 00000001
Aug 30 13:54:58 monolite kernel: esi: 00178102 edi: 00000006 ebp: c02cff18 esp: c02cff1c
Aug 30 13:54:58 monolite kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Aug 30 13:54:58 monolite kernel: Process smbd (pid: 361, process nr: 33, stackpage=c02cf000)
Aug 30 13:54:58 monolite kernel: Stack: c010f9e3 c02cff2c 00000000 00000104 02000000 00000000 00178102 c02ce000
Aug 30 13:54:58 monolite kernel: c010f5a0 00000000 c012f12c 00000004 00000001 c07978a8 00000000 00000020
Aug 30 13:54:58 monolite kernel: 00000104 c02ce000 00001770 00000000 c03d3000 c012f501 00000006 c02cffa8
Aug 30 13:54:58 monolite kernel: Call Trace: [<c010f9e3>] [<c010f5a0>] [<c012f12c>] [<c012f501>] [<c014daa1>] [<c0107c34>] [<c010002b>]
Aug 30 13:54:58 monolite kernel: Code: 89 48 04 89 0c 95 9c 18 1c c0 8d 04 95 9c 18 1c c0 e9 f0 00

>>EIP: c010f634 <add_timer+84/1c0>
Trace: c010f9e3 <schedule_timeout+73/a0>
Trace: c010f5a0 <process_timeout+0/10>
Trace: c012f12c <do_select+1dc/230>
Trace: c012f501 <sys_select+381/4b0>
Trace: c014daa1 <sys_socketcall+1c1/2f0>
Trace: c0107c34 <system_call+34/38>
Trace: c010002b <startup_32+2b/11e>
Code: c010f634 <add_timer+84/1c0> 00000000 <_EIP>: <===
Code: c010f634 <add_timer+84/1c0> 0: 89 48 04 movl %ecx,0x4(%eax) <===
Code: c010f637 <add_timer+87/1c0> 3: 89 0c 95 9c 18 movl %ecx,0xc01c189c(,%edx,4)
Code: c010f63c <add_timer+8c/1c0> 8: 1c c0
Code: c010f63e <add_timer+8e/1c0> a: 8d 04 95 9c 18 leal 0xc01c189c(,%edx,4),%eax
Code: c010f643 <add_timer+93/1c0> f: 1c c0
Code: c010f645 <add_timer+95/1c0> 11: e9 f0 00 00 00 jmp c010f73a <add_timer+18a/1c0>

4 warnings issued. Results may not be reliable.
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