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SubjectLibrary files can be stripped and work!

Good news for those making embedded versions of Linux
or making installation programs that boot into ram-disks.

Generally, I've noticed that most use statically-linked
versions of program files because the C runtime library is so

If you have several program files, such as you would have
in an embedded application, generally you reach a point where you
really need to include dynamic link libraries on your RAM disk.

The good news is that these library files can be stripped
and they still work! This means that the size of many of these
files can be reduced to 1/3 of their original.

For instance, I have a network server running ix86 Linux.
This server uses install-able modules and handles communications
and control of an Analogic arbitrary waveform generator.
All the initialization files and everything necessary to bring
the server up will fit on a 1.44 mb floppy. No disks are necessary.
Once I make a NVRAM 'floppy', I will have a server with no physical
disks at all.

So it seems that the major work I have to do on a new project
is to make a NVRAM 'floppy A' for the boot which is pretty easy once I
get info on how to read/write whatever NVRAM our secretive engineers
will hide in the new design. The last time, they gave me two bits
(honest), One was 'clock' and the other 'data'. I had to software-
serialize/de-serialize through a hole-in-the-wall. Rumor has it
that I will only get 1 bit this time.

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.3.13 on an i686 machine (400.59 BogoMips).
Warning : It's hard to remain at the trailing edge of technology.

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