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SubjectRe: TCP/IP Hangs with 2.2.5 on High Load Server
> > instances from certain PC's, randomly, where there is no longer any
> > connectivity to the server. We can't ping the server, and from the
> > server, we can't ping the workstation. A ping flood on either of them
> > sometimes fixes the problem. This has gotten to be a pretty big problem,
> What does tcpdump show during this situation, when run on the Linux end.
> Losing just a specific machine is very odd and can often point to a problem
> with a switch/bridge in the middle.

I'm experiencing a similar problem, but with kernel 2.2.11 (and on a
much smaller machine: a 200MMX, with 3C509 ethernet card.)

On HIGH network loads, e.g. 5M file copy via NFS or rcp to/from a
Solaris server on the same LAN, the PC freezes up as follows:

- mouse, keyboard do not work any more
- I cannot telnet to it
- I cannot get date via UDP
- I CAN ping it

So the ethernet card works, ICMP works, while TCP and UDP do not. (Or,
at least, telnet and date services are down).

- Marino

Marino Miculan - JHEP System Engineer -
SISSA/ISAS - via Beirut, 2-4 - 34014 Trieste (Italy)

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