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SubjectRe: strange problems with k2.2.11 / glibc 2.1 / xterm (xfree86 3.3.4)
> > the problem occurs when i run an xterm after booting up under 2.2.  the
> > first line in the xterm says something along the lines of "/dev/ttypX:
> > operation not permitted", and the device is not chowned, so write/talk/etc
> > to me won't work. w, who or last show up the tty as follows:
> >
> > damon ttyp1ric|Gen :0.0 Tue Aug 24 22:19 - 22:20 (00:00)
> This sounds like a ttypX issue. I can't really say I know much about them,
> since I don't use them - like you, I did the slackware-glibc thing but
> never bothered with the unix98 ptys - but I guess you know you need the
> pty support in the kernel.

actually - maybe i should have mentioned this - it can't have anything to
do with unix98 ptys, as i didn't bother with them either. i don't have
the support compiled into the kernel. i always think of the devices in
question as ttypX, because i never go over the `p' series, but it's
actually just the standard /dev/ttyXX devices, *not* pty.

> > any thoughts? has anyone seen this effect before? the only thing i
> > *haven't* tried upgrading is glibc2 (i know there's a 2.1.1 release out
> > there somewhere)... could that be it? if that seems likely, can anyone
> > point me at the current canonical source for the libraries? would it be
> > the stuff on (i remember it used to be somewhere else... so i'm
> > a little confused as to where to look for the correct libs)
> I get this when I run biff in an xterm. Basically it could mean anything -
> it seems either xterm's not SUID root - don't know if it has to be for
> ptys, but it might - or some inappropriate ioctl is being issued to the
> pty. Read a bit more about pty's - it might be a faq. I never did the pty
> dance, but I've done the glibc one. It's hosted on,
> basically because it doesn't compile with gcc-2.7.x - but since now we've
> got an official gcc-2.95 that _does_ compile it, this should be resolved
> soon.

i guess i will try upgrading the libraries again and see if that helps.
xterm is indeed suid root as it should be.

i did initially compile with pty support just to try it out, but when i
realised it meant recompiling and/or finding different versions of
everything, i jumped ship. :)


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