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Subjectproblem with edge and level triggered interrupts
I want to have some clarification with regards to interrupts
being edge or level triggered.

1. How can I decide whether the interrupt is edge or level triggered
other than data sheets and through oscilloscope.

2. Can program PIC(Interrupt Controller 8259A)?

3. If so how can I program PIC to set the mode as edge or level
triggered interrupt mode.

4. I want to have shared interrupts for two devices for which I need
have interrupts for the two devices as level triggered.So I want
to confirm whether the interrupt generated is level or edge
triggered . How can I confirm?
If it is edge triggered then Can I change to level triggered?

5. Data sheet of PIC tells that interrupt trigger mode can be
programmed . How can this be programmed?

Expecting reply

with regards,

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