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SubjectRe: ARP (mis)behavior
In article <389012872.935339813729.JavaMail.root@web04.pub01> you wrote:
> right mac address. And since the host does not know which
>> nic is on which cable the host has to answer for an request received

> 1) Why do you think the kernel does not know which IP address is associated
> with which network device? This information is obviously available.

I dont think. I said the kernel does not now if two interfaces are on the
same cable or not.

> 2) Why would you want to respond to ARP requests received on a device that
> does not have an IP address configured?

I am not talking abut "no address" but "other address".

> As to the responses that having multiple interfaces on a single broadcast
> domain is an illegal configuration, it sounds like several other people are
> interested in using such a setup as well.

I didnt not say that it is illegal or makes no sence, i just say the kernel
doesnt know.


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