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SubjectMassive pagefaults...anything to worry about?
I have a new RH6.0 system and everythng seems to be working great on it,
but I am getting a thing that is causing me a little concern and I want to
see if it is anything to be worried about.

Dual PII-400
256MB ECC PC100 memory
Adaptec 7980 SCSI Controller on motherboard
1 9.1GB Ultra2 SCSI Drive (Quantum)
1 Host Independent RAID Controller (UWSCSI)
w/ 1 18GB RAID5 Array (3x 9.1GB)
Kernel 2.2.10


I notice when I execute a "time <command>"m I end up seeing a lot of
pagefaults in my output. It doesn't seem to be causing any problems but
before I write it off as nothing I wanted to get an opinion here.

Here's the output from a kernel compile to give you an example:

[/usr/src/linux] # time make
266.88user 20.66system 4:47.87elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (-495975500major+15152975minor)pagefaults 0swaps

[/usr/src/linux] # time make -j 2
261.12user 19.01system 2:27.53elapsed 189%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (1538887856major+-51006598minor)pagefaults 0swaps


Anything that I need to concern myself with? I'd obviously rather not go
down the road of returning memory or CPU if I can help it.

Robert Hayden UIN: 16570192

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