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SubjectRe: [PATCH] 2.3.14: bug-fix for raw IO error recovery

On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, Chris Wedgwood wrote:
> what about something like:
> blah = (void*) (~0uL)
> sort of thing? (Assuming sizeof(long) == sizeof(void*))

The thing is, that this is exactly what ERR_PTR and friends are there for,
and they do it RIGHT instead of just making assumptions about things. So
use them - they actually result in readable code when done right, as shown
by the dcache usage, and they do not have any gray areas.

Yes, right now "(void *) (~0UL)" would work fine. It probably will
forever. But you might as well use ERR_PTR(-1) which does the same thing,
is more readable, and is _guaranteed_ to work forever simply because it
can be changed without breaking existing sources when some new
architecture comes along.


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