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SubjectRe: [PATCH] 2.3.14: bug-fix for raw IO error recovery

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
> Wouldn't be possible to let get_page_map to give us back more information
> by returning -1 if the page_map is not good?

Don't do this. It leads to all kinds of problems for 64-bit architectures,
I'm not at all sure that casting (int) -1 to a pointer is at all safe. I
would not be surprised if it is entirely legal and expected on some
architectures for it to become 0x00000000ffffffff, which might be a
perfectly valid pointer.

If you play error games with pointers, there's just two ways to do it
nicely: either the NULL pointer (right now) or by having a nicely
abstracted thing that can be extended to do different things on different
architectures (this is what the "dcache" error pointers are doing with the
ERR_PTR/PTR_ERR/IS_ERR stuff - right now all architectures have pointers
that look roughly the same and there is just one global definition for
ERR_PTR, but if some strange architecture comes along some day we'll be
able to handle it cleanly).

In the meantime, things like this are _definitely_ a bad idea.


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