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Subject[2.3.13] Unresolved symbols from USB modules
I have tried compiling some of the USB drivers as modules, while keeping
the 'core' USB support compiled in. When I try to load any of these
modules, insmod reports unresolved symbols. Some of these include
"usb_register()" and "usb_deregister()" (there were quite a few others
but I don't remember what they were.) I tried putting
EXPORT_SYMBOL(usb_register); at the end of usb.c and #define
EXPORT_SYMTAB at the top, but this didn't help.

No matter what I do, I can't get any of the symbols to show up in
/proc/ksyms, even though they are in I am developing a USB
driver, and I would really appreciate it if someone could fix this for
me (and everyone else.) I would be even more happy if someone could
explain to me how kernel symbols are exported, how fits into
this, and how I can export symbols from my own modules.

Mark McClelland
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