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SubjectRe: Anti-SPAM Suggestion...
> >I know that the objective has always been to keep the list
> >"open post" to allow bug reports from the world. So aside from
> >applying a high-speed clue stick and dropping the 12 ton Lart
> >rock... why not use web forms all over the net which post using
> >a valid address? I'd be willing to donate a page and I already
> >have a script and I'd be willing to bet that there'd be a few
> >hundred others willing to do the same. The list would probably
> >still get a "crap" posting from time to time but it would
> >definitely prevent what's happening now.
> Using web forms to POST to linux-kernel? You mean ONLY web based
> access to posting? The volume would drop overnight from probably
> 300 posts/day to 10 posts/day.
> Nobody is going to read an email in their mail client, and then
> cut and paste the message into a web form to reply to it. I
> doubt that many people would use the web form to write a message
> in the first place. I would just unsubscribe permanently, and
> consider the list as dismantled. I would put $10000 cash on a
> bet that says most others would leave too.

I for one would.

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