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SubjectRe: Anti-SPAM Suggestion...
On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Chuck Mead wrote:

>I know that the objective has always been to keep the list
>"open post" to allow bug reports from the world. So aside from
>applying a high-speed clue stick and dropping the 12 ton Lart
>rock... why not use web forms all over the net which post using
>a valid address? I'd be willing to donate a page and I already
>have a script and I'd be willing to bet that there'd be a few
>hundred others willing to do the same. The list would probably
>still get a "crap" posting from time to time but it would
>definitely prevent what's happening now.

Using web forms to POST to linux-kernel? You mean ONLY web based
access to posting? The volume would drop overnight from probably
300 posts/day to 10 posts/day.

Nobody is going to read an email in their mail client, and then
cut and paste the message into a web form to reply to it. I
doubt that many people would use the web form to write a message
in the first place. I would just unsubscribe permanently, and
consider the list as dismantled. I would put $10000 cash on a
bet that says most others would leave too.

Even giving you the benefit of the doubt and saying that everyone
would stay on the list, and use it just as much, it in NO WAY
would stop people from spamming the list. If some 10 year old
wants to subscribe linux kernel to 1000 mailing lists, he most
likely is doing so manually. He could just as well write a perl
script that would submit a bunch of crap to the "web form"

Bad idea.

Mike A. Harris Linux advocate
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