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SubjectRe: Spam-Problem (evil solution)
Solutions that I've seen, though well thought out, all
have their flaws. Here are a few scenarios:

1. Filtering Mechanisms
Many of these are complex. Most can be circumvented.
2. Moderators (semi-open)
This could harm the reputation of the linux community
as one where "some guy in Nebraska submits a bug. Someone
else in Sweeden fixes it the next day".
Another problem with the moderator model is the sheer number
of posts. In order to stay ahead of the curve, you either
need a few _devoted_ or a larger, less select group of
part-time moderators. No matter what, you risk bias.
Dumb Kid wins.
3. InfoWar
Several of us succeed in inconveniencing _one_
person's computer, which he only uses for childish games.
Dumb kid spams _thousands_ of people who use computers
in their daily lives.
Dumb Kid still wins.
4. Appeal to an ISP
The ISP (kindly) terminates Dumb Kid's account.
Dumb Kid gets another ISP.

The only effective solution I can see has serious moral implications:

5. The Evil Answer
The Imperial^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HFederal Communications Commision
has _tons_ of people in button-down suits waiting to step
all over some little guy.
What Dumb Kid has done has legal precedant:
harassment, malice, misrepresentation
This _would_ be an effective, _permanent_ deterrent.
Only problem is "...once you walk down the dark path,
forever does it control your destiny..."
(I hate myself for even suggesting it)

On Wed, Aug 18, 1999 at 11:45:28PM +0200, Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:
> #include <hallo.h>
> > I have the normal linux-kernel going into a log file so I can get rid
> > of the crap when this idiot's pipe is closed....
> I would suggest a "semi-closed" List.
> All Mails from know E-Mail Adresses can pass and only mails from unknown
> addresses must be approved by a moderator.
> This way everybody can post to the list. And except of the first Mail
> there wouldn't be any delays.
> (Yes i know that isn't perfect, but IMHO better than doing nothing)
> Bis denn
> -
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