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SubjectRe: Spam-Problem
: I would suggest a "semi-closed" List.
: All Mails from know E-Mail Adresses can pass and only mails from unknown
: addresses must be approved by a moderator.
: This way everybody can post to the list. And except of the first Mail
: there wouldn't be any delays.
: (Yes i know that isn't perfect, but IMHO better than doing nothing)

A possible improvement on this already good idea:

suppose we have a list of volunteers who will screen messages, the list
is . Anyone can sign up for
this list be David gets to exclude people for bad taste. When a mail
comes in from an unknown address it gets bounced to the screeners list.
If it isn't spam one or more people reply to the bounced mail and the
reply is an OK to forward this. The idea being to make sure that mail
gets through promptly if it is OK.

In order for this to work, somebody needs to volunteer to set this up
and manage it. That somebody needs to grok stuff like perl and mail,
etc. In other words, if you could rewrite majordomo then you're
perfect. This is a good chance for a non-kernel hacker to make the
kernel hackers eternally grateful. Anyone?

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