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Subjectautorouting problem (fwd)
He apparently could not get his message through.. so I am forwarding it to
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 14:10:28 -0400 (EDT)
From: cxreg <>
Subject: autorouting problem (fwd)

Im having a problem with the autorouting "feature" in linux 2.2. Since
I'm probably using the wrong name for it, Ill explain ;) What I mean is
the way that linux now automatically adds the network route to the routing
table when you ifconfig an ethernet interface.

What Im trying to do is dial into the network at work and route 5 or so
ip's of the network down the ppp link so I can have routable IPs on my
network at home without actually splitting the class C up. I've added the
entries to the ARP tables and set up the forwarding rules with ipchains,
and everything seems to work ok with one exception. I cant see any hosts
on the actual class C because the machines on the dialup network all think
that the entire class C is on *their* network due to the "autorouting"
thing. Is there any way to disable this behavior, or a better way to
approach what Im trying to do? Thanks

dave o

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