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SubjectKernel panic 2
During the IO test, kernel panic with bunch of messages scrolled up and
system hung. The last messgae I can see that might be useful is:
Aiee, killing interrupt handler
Kernel panicL Attempted to kill th eidle task!
In interrupt handler -not syncing.

Since system hung and no message was logged, nothing I can trace after
system reboot.

The IO test is multi IOs copy and compare files cross different drives and
partitions in an infinite loop. There is no data corruption during the

Because not enough information is captured when panic happens, is there a
way to collect those panic information?

I have a laptop with window98 available. Can I hook it up with Linux
through serial port and capture those messages? If it I can, how to I set
it up and what program I should run on both systems? Please walk me



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