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SubjectRe: Does PPP use serial.c
On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Girish D Kale wrote:
> For internet browsing through an ISA modem, using PPP, does
> PPP use serial.c for communicating with the modem or it uses
> some other driver. Also if I use this ISA modem through a

ppp is a line discipline in the tty driver. so as long as your modem shows
up as a /dev/tty* you can use ppp on it. serial.c is the underlying port
driver for various serial uarts, an isa modem has/simulates a normal uart.
i dont really know what you mean exactly by using it through a pci bridge.
if you mean putting it in a normal modern motherboard, yes, it'll be just
the same. but if you mean some custom setup...

> PCI bridge, i.e. the interface with the system is a PCI
> interface , and I want to browse using PPP again, do I need
> to do modifications in the serial.c or it can be used as it

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