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SubjectRe: [RFD] New driver system (was Adding new syscalls via modules)
>> While we spend time rewritting patches, M$ distributes drivers :-(.
> Anybody who thinks NT's installable filesystem driver interface is
> better than Linux's is living on a planet I'm not familiar with.
NT is bad... but
while we spend time rewritting the whole kernel due to patches,
M$ distributes drivers :-(.

>> 2. We must be ready to move the drivers to Ring1 and Ring2
>> when hardware (Merced?) will be acceptable quick for this.
> Say goodbye to performance.
1. How % of perfomance will be lost if Pentium-5 task switch will get 3
2. How % of perfomance do you ready to pay for additional reliability.
Note: I know that Pentium-5 does not exists :-).
I speak about extensibility, which can help us in the future.

>> 3. New drivers must have rights to register new services
>> (syscalls?)
> They can. ioctls let them register arbitrary new auxilliary services.
>> 4. New drivers must have an interface to be transparently
> It's called the "VFS". It works.
Cool. So why do we still distribute patches?

P.S. As I see, my idea of new driver system is not very popular.
Well, may be I'm wrong.
But I hope you'll change you opinion in the future.

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