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Subjectzero-cost SCHED_IDLE patch

Just a summary of my experiences with the SCHED_IDLE patch that was posted
here a while ago (I'd give credit, but I don't remember who posted it;
you can check the archives if you're interested). I just spent the last
seven or eight hours running various combinations of bonnie and lmbench in
various combinations of SCHED_IDLE and SCHED_OTHER without problems. I
didn't include any POSIX RT processes because from the way I interpret the
list conversation, the deadlock potential already exists in that case.
The only bug I've found was a rather silly little issue with Rik's rtnice

The one thing I've been too lazy to do is to actually compare a bonny on
an RT kernel with lmbench in the background (or vice versa) with the
equivalent lmbench or bonnie without SCHED_IDLE support in the kernel.
I'll do that later tonight and post numbers... it requires that I retrieve
a new copy of Linux over a 28.8 modem because I lost my clean tar file to
get a kernel without SCHED_IDLE.

While I'm doing this, anyone got any other apps that are more likely to
hit some nasty kernel locking situations?

Chris Smith <>

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