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SubjectD-state processes

I have ran into a strange problem with Linux 2.2.10, RH6. When I try to
change a user's password (with passwd), as I typed the new password and
pressed enter, the passwd process gets a D state and just sleeps
forever... Then other processes get D state, and finally the system gets
unusable - the kernel is running, but I can't do anything but a hard
reset. It does the same thing with the 'lilo' command. I tried downgrading
the kernel to 2.2.5, but the problem still was there. If if it will come
again, I will try with 2.0.37. The logs contain nothing related to this at
all. I don't know if this has to do anything with the problem, but
sometimes, after reseting, the CMOS data was cleared (the battery is
good). Even more strange is that the problem went away just fast as it
came about 5 hours ago - I just did an fsck on the partition /etc is, but
it didn't find any errors. As I rebooted, the problem was gone.

Balazs Miklos
System Administrator
Kabelkon Internet Service Provider -

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