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SubjectIDE controllers
I hear Linux 2.4 will support 8 IDE controllers. I always thought that
you could only have 4 IDE drives. Since each controller can have two
drivers, does this actually mean I can have 16 drives? I say this
becasue I have 4 drives at present and have no more capacity without
switching to more expensive SCSI devices. Besides, I need certain IDE
derivers to be added. How would I add the IDE board. I mean, if I add
another IDE controller board, does it have to be of a certain type/ wont
it assume the IRQs of the motherboard ones? etc... basically, can I just
go into my computer store, add a standard 20quid IDE board and it will
work? Thanks.

(sorry about slight off topicness)

Jonathan C. Masters (

"Upon this rock I will build my church,
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it".

-- Matthew 16, 17-18

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