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SubjectRe: The stability crisis
>>>>> "Kim" == Kim Petersen <> writes:

Kim> Jes Sorensen <> writes:
>> One machine crashes, you have one serial cable, how much spaghetti
>> is that?
Kim> In a 19" rack there would still be spaghetti... but it really
Kim> doesn't matter since what was asked for was a way to capture
Kim> oopsen without resolving to serial-cables. I think the question
Kim> was valid, and allthough we haven't had any oopses here, i don't
Kim> wan't to even consider how much cleanup work, and recompiles
Kim> etc. a reoccuring oops would make - and that even without setting
Kim> up a serial-connection to capture an oops that we might not even
Kim> be able to recreate, without having a possible buggy machine in a
Kim> live network (doing normak tasks).

Well I do not see spaghetti in our racks here, and we do have quite a
few. Though we got most of the PCs in these special racks that utilize
the space better when one sticks mini towers in them.

Kim> It would be really nice to have a way to capture oopses, that
Kim> isn't depending on a serialcable. That way we could send the oops
Kim> of to kernellist and immediatly get on to the work of recreating
Kim> a stable machine.

You still have to do your work manually and pipe it through ksymoops
anyway - it seems to me like some people expect all this to be done
for them for free. Free software doesn't not mean zero cost, you
sometimes have to make an effort yourself.


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