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    SubjectRe: The stability crisis
    Jes Sorensen <> writes:

    > >>>>> "Kim" == Kim Petersen <> writes:
    > Kim> Jes Sorensen <> writes:
    > >> To be quite frank, it is less of a hassle to hook up a serial
    > >> cable, I cannot see any reason why people keep refusing to do this.
    > Kim> Because as Brian said: it is a major hassle, we allready have a
    > Kim> large amount of cable-spaghetti just connecting network, if we
    > Kim> also have to have a lot of serialcable's - more than those to
    > Kim> routers/livingstons :( That really amount to chaos.
    > One machine crashes, you have one serial cable, how much spaghetti is
    > that?
    In a 19" rack there would still be spaghetti... but it really doesn't
    matter since what was asked for was a way to capture oopsen without
    resolving to serial-cables. I think the question was valid, and allthough
    we haven't had any oopses here, i don't wan't to even consider how much
    cleanup work, and recompiles etc. a reoccuring oops would make - and
    that even without setting up a serial-connection to capture an oops
    that we might not even be able to recreate, without having a possible
    buggy machine in a live network (doing normak tasks).

    It would be really nice to have a way to capture oopses, that isn't
    depending on a serialcable. That way we could send the oops of to
    kernellist and immediatly get on to the work of recreating a stable

    > Jes
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