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Subject2.2.10 SMP Spinlock

We are running Linux 2.2.10 on a couple of SS-10's here, both of which
are equipped with quad Ross RTK-625 Hypersparc CPU's.

One machine is used for news, it has a second disk controller, 256mb of
memory. So far it has been completely stable.

The other is used for a web server running Apache 1.3.3p3. It has only
the SCSI controller built into the SS-10 but also has 384mb of RAM. It has not
been completely stable. It is hanging with a message about spinlock scrolling
up the screen.

With the exception of not having the additional disk controller and having
128mb additional RAM, this machine is identical to the one which is stable.
It was stable under 2.0.35 but not nearly as fast.

We even took the kernel from the machine which is stable, and booted it
on this machine and still had the same problem.

Does anybody have any words of advice that might help us get this system
stable under 2.2.10, from a performance standpoint 2.2.10 is a big win over the
2.0.x kernels so would hate to have to revert.

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