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Subject2.2.10-ac12 - Kernel panic: Attempted to kill the idle task!
I've been getting this with 2.2.10(-acX) kernels, normally less information
makes it to the console (the last three lines are consistent).

Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer at virtual address 00000040
current->tss.cr3 = 00101000, %cr3 = 00101000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c40f15c2>]
EFLAGS: 00010246
eax: 00000000 ebx: c2281000 ecx: c01e1e2000 edx: ffffff9d
esi: 00000000 edi: c212d8000 ebp: c01e3f48 esp: c01e3f20
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process swapper (pid: 0, process nr: 0, stackpage = c01e3000)

Stack: 00000001 c40f166f c212d800 00000010 c2281000 c01108ed c2281000
c021fb14 00000000 c01e3f60 c0116fe1 00000001 0000f88e c01099e5
00000108 c01096b8 c01e2000 c2472000 c01cf6f4 00000001 0000f88e 00000108

Call Trace: [<c40f166f>] [<c01108ed>] [<c0116fe1>] [c01099e5>] [<c01099e5>]
[<c01096b8>] [<c0107015>] [<c0106000>]
[<c0107038>] [<c010881c>] [<c0106000>] [<c010607b>] [ <c0106000>]

Code: 83 3c b0 00 74 44 56 68 22 56 68 22 56 0f c4 e8 a9 10 02 fc 8b 87 74

Aiee, killing interrupt handler
Kernel panic: Attempted to kill the idle task!
In interrupt handler - not syncing

Robert Brooks <
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