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SubjectDumb questions about Linux and process handling

Since I don't know anything about the i386 architecture internals and even
less about recent 2.3.* changes, here's some questions for all you smart
people out there:

I've heard recently that 2.3.* does not use a GDT entry per process, but
rather per processor. Does this mean that there is only one kernel-space
stack per processor as well? (From what I've heard about the i386,
priveleged code runs on a different stack, right? I'm making a lot of
guesses here, so sorry if I'm being confusing.)

So what resources does a kernel still allocate per process on an i386
(besides just a generic page to hold the task struct)? Did the 4090 task
limit for x86 go away?

Just curious,

Chris Smith <>

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