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SubjectYAY! 2.2.11 fixes my TCP oddnesses
I was running 2.2.10 with various -ac releases lately -ac10.

I'm now running 2.2.11-release candidate 2 on an otherwise stock RH 6.0.
Kernels all compiled with egcs. Happily it fixes all my issues. I'm very
pleased. I'd had quite a few puzzling stops, pauses and general oddness
with network tasks. Kudos to the team. I'd not reported it because I had
been running ac kernels and Alan is pretty busy right now. Not though that
my problems occurred with 2.2.10 stock as well.

I had noticed the following behaviour:

I'm using netscape 4.61 to surf from my office machine.

Often surfing to slashdot or some other content sites, the narration bar
would claims 100% of 40 K, and would stop and show me a blank or incomplete
page. If I click the stop button, the page composed normally, with no
broken links or anything apparently wrong. Then a quick look at netstat
showed a recieve queue of 1 byte. As if the final packet/FIN/ACK whatever
was not coming through correctly. The odd thing is the web servers I got
this with were most often linux machines, but of course that could be due
to the fact that linux sites are where I surf most.

Our firewall here is a linux machine with 2.0.37 and ip masquerading. We
use the 10.0 subnet.

A further TCP anomaly happened here yesterday. I flood ping'd a local win95
OSR2 box, and MY networking locked up, I had to run
/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart to get the networking back.

Jay Thorne KE Software

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