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SubjectQ: task_struct modification
Hello everyone,

About a week ago I've mailed a 2.2.10-ac11 and a 2.3.10 patch to the
mailing list for bypassing the 16 groups limitation for NFS/RPC (client)
and didn't got any response. One thing I am very curious about is:
is it acceptable for a patch to extend the struct task_struct and if
not, is there another way of maintaining process related data (e.g.
registering a function to be called upon process cloning or exit)?

Or are there any future plans for doing so?

There's always more than one way to do something and I'm pretty
sure that Linus and many others may be wary of changes in something
so central as the task_struct: it shouldn't end up as a trash can.


Frank van Maarseveen Driebergen The Netherlands

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