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Subject[PATCH]SCSI scanorder enhancement
The kernel assigns minor SCSI device numbers dynamically. This is done by
assigning them only to actually connected devices in order of their SCSI-id's
(mostly ascending). This means that connecting an external SCSI device changes
the minors of all internal devices with a higher SCSI-id forcing me to change
/etc/fstab when connecting the external device and to change it back when
disconnecting the device.

I created a small scsiorder patch to solve this by fixing the problem where it
originates. For example the kernel parameter "scsi_scanorder=1,10,6" means to
scan the devices in the following order: 1,10,6,0,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12,13,15.
Which means SCSI-id's 1,10,6 and 0 will allways be mapped on sda, sdb, sdc en
sdd (if all connected).

The latest version supports the specification of a specific adapter as well:

More info: There's
a small description of the alternatives like devfs and scsidev as well.



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