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Subjectunusual ext2 FS corruption -- for statistics
It might be worthwhile to try to recreate the conditions leading to the
FS corruption. The system in question is almost always without activity
and the suspect kernel is still present in /boot. I could try to repeat
the procedure of installing a new kernel and rebooting which appearently
triggered something with a bad smell.

The idea is that installing a new kernel might be a major event for
an old 16Meg otherwise quiet system. Something must have triggered the
whole thing. Disk and swap are relatively large for this system, all
eating up kernel memory.

Also, in the past there was one other 2.2.6-ac3 system with a hopeless
looking FS corruption -- we did a reinstall becasue that was the easy
way out and didn't require much thinking. We have about 40 boxes for
software development -- half of them still running 2.2.6-ac3. So, FS
corruptions are still very unusual events here.

From now on I will carefully watch how these systems behave and try to
preserve some more information.


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