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SubjectRe: FS corruption... some help maybe??
>  I'm missing something here.. I have ben running 2.2.10 for a
> while now and have not had any filesystem corruption.. I have a
> TYAN Tomcat IV MB with onboard PCI/IDE controllers, connected to
> a Western Digital 6.4Gig drive, and have never had any
> filesystem problems with 2.2.5, 2.2.9, or 2.2.10 SMP or UP on
> this system..
> just out of curiosity what are your uptimes like?
> how often do your drives get fsck?
> my system is only up max of 16 hours a day and then a manual
> shutdown (till I get a UPS then I'll set up an automagic reboot
> on sundays at midnight or something)

Ok this box is an enterprise server (web server for the arts faculty
here for one purpose) and as such, should remain up 24/7. the longest
uptime I've had since I started working here is around 27 days with

We have had somre real disk failures but if all of the errors I see were
real, we would be up to 5 disk failures since the start of the year.

the problem with using older kernels is bugs. I believe before 2.2.8
there as a bug in the cache handling routine which resulted in the
creation of zombie process locking up devices.

anyway. as a last straw, I may revert to an old 2.1 kernel I have I
know had uptime of a little over a month. hopefully a new set of segate
9 gig UW's may fix any problems. an interesting experiment yes??

Craig Armour
System Administrator Joyce Ackroyd Building
Language Lab, University of Queensland phone 33656916

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