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SubjectRe: FS corruption... some help maybe??
+> >  my system is only up max of 16 hours a day and then a manual
+> > shutdown (till I get a UPS then I'll set up an automagic reboot
+> > on sundays at midnight or something)
+> You clearly have been using Microsoft Windows (NT/9x) to much. that
+> Microsoft OS does need regular re-boots, but there is no reason to re-boot
+> a Linux system just to re-boot it. I can understand turning it off when
+> you aren't there without a UPS, but when you get a UPS, just leave it up
+> 24/7. There is "almost" nothing that a re-boot can fix that cant be fixed
+> by using other tools like ifconfig, etc... It is not uncommon to see
+> uptimes well in excess of 70 days. I have heard of Linux 1.2.x systems
+> staying up for longer then a year ( and by this time, this might include
+> 2.0.x systems also)

I can only support that! - I have an old 486 with 133 MHz at home, working as
a gateway for me at home. I had it running for the first time with a Linux
kernel version 2.0.30 for about 96 days, when it crashed. - The reason was -
oh, no! - Not Linux! It was a broken CPU-fan! - I used this occasion, put in
a more silent fan for the power supply, as well as another harddisk and
upgraded to 2.0.36. - Since then, I never rebooted the system again. It
currently has an uptime of about 165 days and I expect it to run far longer.
My only fear is a powerfailure or that that bloody CPU-fan will break again.

Can you tell me, what use rebooting is?

At work (where I use Sun workstations) I have three machines (USER-Workstations!
Where there are sitting users at the thing, logging in and out and crashing
their applications all day long ;) ) - and these three machines have an
uptime of far more than 280 days!!!!! (one is over 290 !)

Can anybody please show me *any* NT-User-WS with such uptime?



+> See you
+> Cris Wade

"There are the following types of lies: lies, damn lies, statistics,
benchmarks and then there are benchmarks from Mindcraft."

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