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SubjectRe: OOM

Stephen C. Tweedie wrote:
> Without an aging mechanism of some sort, you simply do not know
> which pages are frequently used. Think of the "age" as rather being
> "count of how much it has been accessed recently" --- that's what it
> is. So you don't like aging, but want to identify frequently
> accessed pages... just how exactly do you propose to do it?

I like aging in principle, I just think the current aging algorithm is not
good enough. It isn't easy to design a better one, though ;-).

The per-process limits do nicely on single memory hogs, perhaps too nicely
(I remember running a synthesis job on a .5 GB memory Solaris machine, and
the synthesis process never got more than 200 MB RSS, the rest was swapped
out. Free memory: roughly another 200 MB. Ouch). But malicious attacks don't
care about per-process limits. They can just fork and produce new hogs.

Bernd Paysan
"If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself"

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