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Subject2.3.11-pre7 is much better than 2.2.5smp-rh6

Very quick subjective and vague observation that after I have just
upgraded a machine from 2.2.5 (rh6 default) to properly configured
2.3.11-pre7 a number of problems disappeared and the system generally
feels ok:

a) I used to have lots of collisions on some of the interfaces (I have 7
of them, 4 tulip + 1 tlan + 1 3c509 + plip) so 100Mbit ethernet felt like
plip = 40-50K/s.

b) a simple command dd of=/dev/ida/c0d0p4 if=c0d0p4.uw710 bs=4k used to
cause "Out of memory for dd" and generally system "smelled bad" - I think
it should be attributed to ida driver - the obvious difference I noticed
is that it now uses irqs routed properly by PCI/MP subsystem rather than
XT-PIC ones. So now, not only it works but it is very fast too. (Btw, Red
Hat users who use Compaq SMART-2 cards - please do upgrade their kernels
for cpqarray driver is really much better now).

c) many other things which are probably related to the network collisions
in a) but caused me lots of annoyance.

Tigran A. Aivazian |
Escalations Research Group | tel: +44-(0)1923-813796
Santa Cruz Operation Ltd |

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