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SubjectRe: [RFC] - Some notions that I would like comments on
Jeremy Fitzhardinge <> said unto us -
>I'm doing some work at the moment to restructure ELF files so that read-ahead
>is always the best thing to do. It collects usage statistics on the ELF file,
>and regroups it so that the pages appear on disk in the order in which they're
>used. This is primarily useful for speeding up the initial flurry of demand
>loading when you start up something big (eg, netscape).
> J

A bloke by the name of Jerry Breecher wrote something up on this back in the
late eighties in one of the IEEE journals. I have the article floating about
in paper form. Basically he just used standard old flat profiling data to
reorganise the linking order, compared that to a number of other approaches
(including profiling in the temporal domain) and discovered that it reduced
the resident set size quite nicely for a lot of programs, with the associated
benefits of less paging and possibly better cache locality. Profiler directed
feedback has been around for ages in the MIPS camp (coord & pixie).

The views expressed above are not those of PGS Tensor.

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