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Subjectreport on a crash of linux-2.2.7.SuSE (2)
Ten days ago I reported

An hour ago or so, linux-2.2.7.SuSE (as distributed
with SuSE 6.1, recompiled to eliminate modules)
died with
"Aiee, killing interrupt handler"

The stack trace shows that it had gotten into a loop,
doing die_if_kernel() - die() - do_exit() - schedule() -
error_code - do_page_fault() - die_if_kernel() - etc
until stack overflow.

No logs. It is unknown what started the loop.

This is on a brand new machine. I dont have
an indication yet whether the hardware is reliable.

In the meantime the machine has been in use for almost two weeks
(with the same kernel, compiled with egcs-2.91.66) and has not shown
any further problems. A few nights of memory testing did not show
any problems there.
The reason of this follow-up is that I discovered yesterday that a few
hundred files that were created just before the crash (copied by rcp
from another computer) all had the same flaw: they were almost twice
as large as the correct file, with first the correct contents and then
tacked on to the end some more fragments of these same files.
(That is: each file only had data that belonged in the file,
almost as if the final close found some buffers around
that had been written already but were now written again.)

I am unable to reproduce any such effect.


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