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SubjectWANTED: co-maintainer(s) for Linux-MM site

Over the course of the last year I've become involved with
quite a lot of Open Source and documentation projects. So
many, in fact, that I'm no longer able to put enough time
and dedication into the Linux Memory Management home page.

In order to ensure good kernel documentation in the future,
I think it will be best to place the Linux-MM site under
the responsibility of a team of people who all have access
to the CVS tree where the docs reside.

If you want to share in the responsibility of documenting
the Memory Managemen subsystem or if you want to learn about
it and are willing to write down your learning experience,
please contact me at <>

As usual, there are two relevant mailing lists: (for the technical matters) (documentation forum)

Both of these lists are Majordomo-managed, so the usual
routine applies. If you don't know how Majordomo works,
just send a message to <> with the
word "help" in the BODY of the message.


Rik -- Open Source: you deserve to be in control of your data.
| Le Reseau netwerksystemen BV: |
| Linux Memory Management site: |
| Nederlandse Linux documentatie: |

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